I'm geting to feel what it's like

I'm getting to feel what it's like to not have a job. Joy. I got let go yesterday.

I'll not be going into the why. I'll not be naming names. It's just a jumble right now in my head and that's where the real story is...in the jumble.

I have fond memories of doing cool things that impressed my boss.

I have fond memories of things going right.

I marvel at some of what that organization was able to do for the communities it served.

Their cast offs were better than most of what I personally had.

It was neat to be part of the team.

And that was then. Now there's just a hole left behind where most of that stuff lived. Eight plus years in size. Fifteen co-workers deep. And the funnel I have to crawl out of now is trying to pull me back into it.

Sucks really.